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I'm 67 years of age and have been using the Earthing Oz products for 6 weeks: the Bed Pad Sleep System at night, the Universal Mat when I watch TV in the evenings and the Mouse Pad when I'm on the computer for an average of one hour in the mornings.
I used to have a lot of pain from my sacro-iliac joint, my right hip joint and my neck. These pains seemed to be from muscles and/or tendons, although the neck joint involved very reduced cartilege between two of the vertebrae. All those pains have gone except when I strain the neck joint by taking on an extreme position.
I have a slightly prolapsed mitral valve in the heart which used to mean that I became puffed when walking uphill. After about 2 weeks I found that I no longer became puffed walking up the hill near our home. Yesterday I climbed a steep, bushy slope without stopping and without getting breathless.
I find that I get less tired as the day goes on. I generally sleep well and need less sleep.
I've noticed that grounding allows my body to address old injuries, even injuries that I thought were "history". For example, my jaw used to be crooked. My passport photo shows that clearly. A couple of weeks ago, while using the Universal Mat, the tempo-mandibular joint on my left side began to hurt. It lasted several minutes. Afterwards I noticed that I could rotate my jaw without it being clunky. I looked in the mirror and found that my jaw was no longer crooked.
All sorts of pains from long ago dental treatments have come and gone - extractions, injections and so on. I'm quite sure that this is a healing process as it happened with a toe that I had stubbed badly. The toe was no longer hurting but two of the joints were very tender when pressed lightly. Over about 10 days different pains in the area would turn up briefly while I was using the Universal Mat and would then disappear. Now there is no tenderness.
All of the above and more are amazing to me and very, very welcome.
J.G., Australia
Dear Anand,
I had been suffering from a very painful heel spur for about 15 months. Having invested in a lot of "granny" shoes and orthotic inserts, I was rarely able to walk the dog and was in constant pain. I also had a spinal fusion and lamenectomy in 2004 and suffered back pain more on than off. I was given a copy of the earthing book to read and subsequently purchased an earthing sheet. I have slept groundead now for the past nine months. Within two weeks of sleeping grounded my heel spur pain completely disappeared and has never returned. I can walk 3-4 kilometres a day with the dog and attend a zumba class twice weekly. Most of the discomfort in my back has gone, and if I do have a bit of pain from overdoing the gardening or whatever, by the time I have had a wonderful nights sleep I am up and running and painfree.
I have to confess that my little dog sleeps on a sheet on top of the bed and always tried to sleep up the top near me. He constantly snuffled and snored and got up and turned around a dozen times a night. Very annoying as it woke me up constantly. Since I have had the earthing sheet across the bottom of the bed he has slept down there on it. He sleeps like a log all night long and all the snoring and snuffling has stopped. So we now both get a very peaceful and restful nights sleep and are fit, healthy and raring to go each morning.
Sue, QLD, Australia
I have suffered over 20 years from pain in my right leg when driving long distances,(sometime so bad that I have to stop the car and walk on the side of the road) I have try all kind of aspartus, "body shield protection,car anti magnetic strip, even a $1000 Concerto light rhythms machine" but all proved to be very little comfort to my well been.
All this chanced couple of weeks ago, after viewing your ad in Nexus magazine and looking at your produces on the Web, I purchased 2 car mats+ a pair of thong for all the family, with the car matt the benefit have been felt instantly, the pain in my leg is gone" so no more stopping on the side of the road when driving" this is short of a miracle after so many years of pain, I encourage everyone to look at those products and give it a try for the benefit of their heath, please protect, instruct yourself and your kids on the danger of EMF.
Thanks Anand for bringing such produces to my attention.
Jean, Australia